Things to do nude

Talk about things that do and don't go well with nudity

Traveling in California next july , needs...

Next july , I travell for 4 weeks in California. Need some in fo abouth beaches, and places to stay. Thx Patrick

Nude Weddings

Has anyone here had a nude wedding? Did you have a textile wedding in addition to the nude one?

Lets go green!

For those of you who are going to refer me to the humor and fun room: By now you already KNOW I cant resist right? Somewhere I have seeing a post of a guy that states that he has gone green and therefore: I gave up on soap and shampoo because they...

What a Richness of Interest Groups!

One of the things I'm finding great about this site is the number of interest groups -- from nude yoga to nude driving to living in PA to reading books (which is a naked no-brainer -- sort of) to being Christian to ... well, there have got to be...


I was here enjoying a cup of tea and a sitdown with some nice British biscuits (cookies for those of us in America) and just wondered how everyone handles the crumbs. Also, just what cookies do nudists favor? I like a nice shortbread myself, but I...

Nude/Clothing Optional Dance Party!.....

Join us for a clothing optional/nude dance party on Novemeber 7, 2009! We have created amd scheduled this event to carry out the summer fun and provide a place to bare the winter months! Details can be found at:

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Things we are to do nude

Wow "things to do nude" hmmm as we look back at the divine design of man/woman kind by God the creator we can clearly see that the man and woman was created naked unashamed, and that God looked at His creations and said that all was very...

Long Island NY Swim

Sat. April 4 there is another Travasuns swim.

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A Special Place

I have a few days off here at the beginning of the week and was seriously planning to visit another resort. I have been in contact with another resort by email and they agreed to allow me to come during the week even though they normally only...

Morningside Inn

We've searched and searched and haven't found a thread talking about the Morningside inn in Palm Springs yet. Just wondering. We'll be there in April for a first try, long time vet of the beautiful Terra Cotta. Have always driven by but...