RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

You have seen the elephant in the room and confirmed it is an elephant:

"I cant imagine why anyone would want to do that unless they want to be noticed."

Some folks just want to ignore the elephant, pretend it is just a small, un-noticed accessory and wonder about all the fuss. It truly does not make sense to me but it's not my deal. The rest of us just get to 'cover' for it by our own actions. We'll all press on and hope for the best.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

You have seen the elephant in the room and confirmed it is an elephant:"I cant imagine why anyone would want to do that unless they want to be noticed."Some folks just want to ignore the elephant, pretend it is just a small, un-noticed accessory and wonder about all the fuss. It truly does not make sense to me but it's not my deal. The rest of us just get to 'cover' for it by our own actions. We'll all press on and hope for the best.

You have to wonder... does the guy wear any cock rings when he's alone? Does he just like the feel of the weight on his cock? Or does he wear one for comfort (and I knew a man who did just that... it pushed his balls forward so that they didn't interfere with his sitting down).

If he's wearing diamond-studded cock rings, though, it's definitely for show. It calls attention to his vanity far more than his love for being nude.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

(and I knew a man who did just that... it pushed his balls forward so that they didn't interfere with his sitting down).

Was he deformed in some manner?

Sitting down for men isnt an issue.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

You make an interesting point about the elephant in the room and attempts to ignore or trivialize the impact. There seems to be a tendency to take outlier type experiences a guy with oversized testicles" and position them as normal for nudists and rationalize them for the general public. It seems like an effort to justify certain behavior. I just keep asking myself why? Why try to take behavior that is clearly limited to a small group of people and try to make it the norm?
Some folks just want to ignore the elephant, pretend it is just a small, un-noticed accessory and wonder about all the fuss.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

StevieLorna wrote:Was he deformed in some manner?Sitting down for men isnt an issue.

He didn't seem to be. He just felt that it was more comfortable for him.

I kind of agree with the argument that outlier's behavior shouldn't be construed as the norm. All the same, I'm willing to cut that guy some slack, since I knew he wasn't bullshitting me. He's one of the most honest and unassuming people I've ever met.

But I don't buy the idea that just because somebody does something for a good reason (at least to him) means that somebody else can do it for a clearly frivolous reason.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis rinng. Any thoughts?

I wear a cock ring at home naked as well as clothed. It is clear and does not draw attention to itself, though it positions my penis and testicles to be more prominent. I haven't worn it at a nude beach because there are none around. I consider my cock ring a good tool - combined with a lot of focused exercise - for improving my anterior pelvic tilt. This is a condition where my genitals are positioned under my stomach and my butt sticks out due to weak core muscles caused by too much sitting. Now my legs, stomach and chest are more aligned and as a result my penis is more proudly in front. I still have a long way to go (ncluding losing an inch of belly fat) and consider my cock ring positive reinforcement. Perhaps we should consider women's brassiers an elephant in the room because they call attention to their breasts and unnaturally defy gravity.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis rinng. Any thoughts?

It never ceases to amaze the excuses and the whataboutery the older single man can devise to justify his choice.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis rinng. Any thoughts?

You know if an individual wants to use pretzel logic to justify their own behavior I dont have an issue.
Its the generalization of that to normalize that makes it unttenable for me. Don't try to normalize what are individual actions as generally accepted norms of behavior for the nudist community.
It never ceases to amaze the excuses and the whataboutery the older single man can devise to justify his choice.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

Since I don't know this person I would not presume to make assumptions about his motives or intent. My concern is using that individuals actions to justify the behavior in general since it isn't easily generalized to a norm in the broader population of the nudist and naturist community.

But I don't buy the idea that just because somebody does something for a good reason (at least to him) means that somebody else can do it for a clearly frivolous reason.

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RE:U saw a man at a nude beach wearing a penis ring. Any thoughts?

An update of sorts:

I posted something about a friend of mine who used a cock-and-ball ring, which he claimed made him more comfortable by pulling his scrotum forward so that his balls didn't get in the way of his sitting down or moving. One of the posters on the thread scoffed at the idea.

Well, I was cleaning out my garage a couple of weeks ago and found some rings, one of which was about 2 inches in diameter. On a whim, I put it on to see if it made a difference. As it happened, I went on a weekend camp-out at a nudist resort here, and wore it much of the time. My pubic hair concealed it from public view, although at this particular resort, it would have been tolerated if it were visible.

Result: it did what my friend claimed. It wasn't as marked on my body as it was on his, because his scrotum was larger than mine, but it definitely got the testicles more out of the way when I was sitting. Erotic effect: zero. Pleasure effect: almost nil, although I did feel it, and liked the small difference it made, simply because it was different than the usual sensation. Much like wearing contact lenses or a watch, it's something you feel but don't notice it once the novelty wears off.

So if I saw somebody wearing such a device, I wouldn't give it a second thought. It works as advertised, and I'd put it in the same category as a support bra for a full-breasted woman, or sandals or sunglasses when the environment mandates them. If it were heavily adorned with jewels or something, that would be a different matter entirely.

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