Anything Else

Anything not summed up in the other topics

Sober Nudist Mens Meetings Sober Nudist Men Fellowship: Zoom id: 570 859 3711 Password: nude&sober The Tool Box - 12 x 12 Step Study Tuesdays: 530pm Pacific / 830pm Eastern Sex, Intimacy & Relationships in Sobriety Thursdays: 530pm Pacific / 830pm...

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Any handymen around South Wiltshire, UK?

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Prospecting for gold next weekend

Going prospecting for gold next weekend - 21/22 - site is 3.5 hours from Campbelltown. Wild camping by the river, no amenities, no phone signal. Most likely no one else around so could spend two days naked panning for gold in the river. Leaving...

Should You Sleep in the Nude?

"For years, Ive heard buzz about how sleeping naked can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, leading to other health benefits. Its been something people have proudly identified with being a sleep nudist. However, a video a doctor...

Please tell me the names of elite expensive...

I decided to take myself for a walk and dont know where to go in Orlando!

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by SweetButtocks 
Why not LGBQT+N for Nudist??

I have been a Nudist for roughly 35 years and have seen clothing optional California beaches and resorts closed over the years because a few bad actors. In these WOKE times why are Nudist not afforded the same rights as LGBTQ+. Since I was a baby, I...

That's Profound! ...

No matter how good things get, . . . they can get better. --- When the horse is dead, get off --- An idea is not worth anything, until it is acted upon. --- Knowledge is power, but enthusiasm pulls the switch. --- We judge reality by the reaction of...

Florida and the David Statue...

One of the nude-related topics regards a school principal having to resign or be fired regarding an issue about Michaelangelo's David statue taught in part of the curriculum. Headlines suggest that she had to leave because she had not informed...

Having chills with a cold or the flu

Hey everyone. I just wanted to get some advice on when you have a cold or the flu and you encounter having chills, should you put on extra articles of clothes to keep you warm, or maybe if remaining in the nude wrapping up your body with extra...

Looking for lift to Autumn Farm

Hi I'm a 71yr old gay man looking for a lift to Autumn Farm Golden Bay from anywhere North of Taupo. I can share costs to get there. I have my own tent and cooking facilities and would be independent. So you don't have to worry about putting...