Professional careers And nudism.

I am a professional in the healthcare field. I go to hippie Hollow, which is a clothing optional beach?

Im curious if others and a similar career have run into clients while participating in nudist activities. I dont think I am particularly care but I wonder how other people handle that. Or, if youre not in the healthcare field Im curious how it would feel to see your doctor/Therapist/whatever naked.

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RE:Professional careers And nudism.

Kind of related to your topic. This past May i needed to have a heart catherization and was told to strip and put on the gown. No problem. No modesty issues here. Of course prep for the procedure involved quite a bit of exposure since the doc inserts a tube through the groin area to look inside the heart. When the nurse shaved me she said she would keep me covered. I told her " don't worry no modesty here" My trouble i had to bite my cheek to keep from laughing . . The razor down there tickled. All went well. the Doc found some blockage and put in 2 stents
The nurses commented on my all over tan and simply responded " private back yard'

Then the next day the discharge nurse came in to give me follow up instructions. She said not soaking or bathing for 2 weeks but showers
were fine. Then added "be sure to dry off well and if i were tighty whities i might want to rethink that . Air circulation is your friend."
I told her " i have been going commando for decades and pretty much go nude around home ventilation will not be a problem" she gave me a big thumbs up.

This Friday I have an in home health assessment with a male nurse. I plan on giving him a heads up that this is a nudist household
and unless he objects I will be nude when he gets here.

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RE:Professional careers And nudism.

If they are participating like you are, then I would feel ok with it if it were me. I am more concerned that someone would out me online. But as far as TN is concerned, it has more mature members and it is the younger folk who seem to create a stir.

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RE:Professional careers And nudism.

There is always some level of vulnerability, intimacy and trust with healthcare professionals, unless, of course, it's pasted over with arrogance. I am not in healthcare and am fortunate enough to largely avoid it. As a "nudist patient" however, I'd welcome the opportunity to see my providers equal and naked to affirm our humanity.

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RE:Professional careers And nudism.

Kind of related to your topic. This past May i needed to have a heart catherization and was told to strip and put on the gown. No problem. No modesty issues here. Of course prep for the procedure involved quite a bit of exposure since the doc inserts a tube through the groin area to look inside the heart. When the nurse shaved me she said she would keep me covered. I told her " don't worry no modesty here"

For the same type of procedure, my nurse and I spoke about how their protocol required them to leave the area when I was getting undressed and redressed after the surgery. It did not make sense to either of us.

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RE:Professional careers And nudism.

Some years ago, a local doctor owned lake property and was openly nudist. Newspaper and TV featured the fact.

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RE:Professional careers And nudism.

I am a regular at Hippie Hollow on Lake Travis here in Austin, I have met professionals from nearly every field. Gynecologists, Pediatricians, ER Nurses, Dermatologists, Therapists, Public School Teachers, College Professors, Entertainers, Pastors, Rabbis,
& even an UNDERTAKER!!
Once, a guy ran into his supervisor; it was a bit awkward at first. But since they were both naked, it became obvious that they shared the same interests so it quickly became a more normal situation.
The problem or issue I believe, would be more from the standpoint of non-naturists clients or associates finding out about us, who don't understand the lifestyle. That would create a more awkward situation because we don't share that same common ground.
My interactions with my Drs are so much fun since I don't have to deal with being uncomfortable while undressed. I take the opportunity to promote the virtues of naturism & how relaxing & therapeutic it it is. Then I encourage them too toss their stress and clothes & go spend an anonymous day, carefree & naked in the sun at Hippie Hollow.
Fortunately for me, my Dermatologist is also a Naturist, my visits with him are always pleasant & fun. Though he remains professionally textile, I am totally au natural; the exam is in a totally relaxed environment.

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RE:Professional careers And nudism.

I ran into a fellow church choir member on the very first time I visited a clothing optional resort. The so-called worst case scenario for a newbie nudist happened to me.

It was actually a very good thing because it helped me do away with the shame and fear. If my pal from church choir, who is a grandpa and a great guy, would go naked in a social setting, then it was alright for me to do also.

Of course, we were very discreet and never talked about it with other church people.

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RE:Professional careers And nudism.

I have not run into people I know while attending nudist events. On the reverse, I have discovered friends that are nudist while just talking to them. After we discovered that we were all nudists, we began getting naked together in social situations.

I find it fascinating how many people are "Closet" nudists. There are so many that enjoy nudity but have not experienced social nudism.

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RE:Professional careers And nudism.

Sadly, Ive had to move away from HH. While I lived there, I would frequent as often as my schedule would allow. A few times a month, or just for a few hours after a stressful day at work. I was employed by one of the hospitals in the area, so it wasnt too much of a drive to get out there. It was my utopia. Theres nothing like shedding it all off and feeling free. If youve been to HH, then you know theres no beach, but rocks to climb down and a long paved trail to walk. I would make it a habit of disrobing the moment I left the parking lot and make my way along the long walking path. It was along this walking path walking one time that I ran into a fellow coworker of mine. I had seen her walking toward me from a distance. It was a little odd at first because I was completely nude and she was still clothed. She was with a friend, who I would learn later, was also a nurse where we worked. It was only their second time to HH. We all chatted for maybe 5 minutes about work and how we would have never guessed the other was a nudist. We just parted ways for about an hour and then ended up meeting up again later to share some beers and enjoy the sunshine. Only difference this time is all 3 of us were naked lol. As for seeing clients or others out there, Im not sure. Doing what we do, I see so many new people everyday so I dont remember the vast majority of them. But as for seeing a coworker, I feel the experience wasnt as odd as people think. Perhaps its because we were both at a neutral place where nudism was the goal.

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RE:Professional careers And nudism.

Sadly, Ive had to move away from HH. While I lived there, I would frequent as often as my schedule would allow. A few times a month, or just for a few hours after a stressful day at work. I was employed by one of the hospitals in the area, so it wasnt too much of a drive to get out there. It was my utopia. Theres nothing like shedding it all off and feeling free. If youve been to HH, then you know theres no beach, but rocks to climb down and a long paved trail to walk. I would make it a habit of disrobing the moment I left the parking lot and make my way along the long walking path. It was along this walking path walking one time that I ran into a fellow coworker of mine. I had seen her walking toward me from a distance. It was a little odd at first because I was completely nude and she was still clothed. She was with a friend, who I would learn later, was also a nurse where we worked. It was only their second time to HH. We all chatted for maybe 5 minutes about work and how we would have never guessed the other was a nudist. We just parted ways for about an hour and then ended up meeting up again later to share some beers and enjoy the sunshine. Only difference this time is all 3 of us were naked lol. As for seeing clients or others out there, Im not sure. Doing what we do, I see so many new people everyday so I dont remember the vast majority of them. But as for seeing a coworker, I feel the experience wasnt as odd as people think. Perhaps its because we were both at a neutral place where nudism was the goal.

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