Current USA politics

As most of us who seem older. I am extremely worried of the conservative push in government. I always considered myself to be a conservative. Now that is a dirty word. Talk about government over reach. Who you love, right to control the size of your family, who you love and marry are on the table. Nudist will surely not be far behind. I dont care if you dont like J. Biden please dont send us down the road to Christian Nationalism vote blue at least this time.

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RE:Current USA politics

Good morning everyone

I hope that they put other people up for our votes. Starting from the ones we send to Washington to represent us ! The government is stepping to far over the years. I have noticed that even in the national forest, they are fencing off more places where we are not allowed in. I not going to say more about the rest. Jokes are making things crazy. Jokes are who are making the new laws. We need more laws !

Okay I know we should not talk politics. But for years we have wasted our votes for the third party because no one is worth our rights.

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RE:Current USA politics

Frankly, in this group I expected a much more insightful discussion of the myriad issues we are faced with in our Country today. There is actually a great cacophony of voices shouting out all sorts of ideas and warnings. The problem we are presented with is to try and sort out the truth from the fabrications. We must remember that just because someone writes or says something and publishes it, does not make it to be true. Yes, we must study things to seek out the truth but we can only be sure of the truth is we examine conflicting accounts. We can't rely on a single source. In studying an issue we gain a perception of what the author is trying to say. If that is the only thing we find on that subject, then that perception becomes our truth or our reality.
One other thing we must do is to seek the motovation of the individual making certain statements. Are they an ideologue giving only one side of an issue, or do they present a balance? Do things they say pass the "smell" test? Do things they say sound incredulous to you?
Our government is being overrun by greed and corruption and the quest for power is the name of the game. In that game there is only one rule. That rule is to win. There are no other rules so lying, cheating, stealing, fraud, etc. are all acceptable as long as you win. The only way fair minded people will win is if the liars, cheats and frauds are exposed as the evil people they actually are.
It's interesting to note that everyone reading this piece will agree and say the other side needs to clean up it's act. But that will never work. We need the honest patriots of our great nation to do some real soul searching and see if they may be a part of the problem and see if they can become a part of the solution.
The place for us to start is to examine who we are trusting to tell us what to believe. If they are wrong, then we are wrong. We won't be able to change what they believe, but we can sure change what we believe and that will be a start to a better tomorrow, for us all. DesertRat

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