What do you wear to sleep year round?

I agree that most here are real nudists and probably sleep naked occasionally, frequently, almost always and always. But we are good friends with a nudist couple, and they do not sleep naked. They both wear underwear to bed. We don't and haven't since we were married over 50 years ago.

I began sleeping naked full time at 14. I finally got my own room and had privacy. Sharing a room with 4 other sibs was not fun, especially at that age. My wife never slept nude but wore silky nightgowns, no panties and not bra. She had thoughts of sleeping nude but her entire life she shared a room with one or both sisters.

So, what do you wear to bed and if it's nothing, is it all the time or only sometimes. What number/s, throughout the year represent your sleeping attire?

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RE:What do you wear to sleep year round?

20 the whole year

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RE:What do you wear to sleep year round?

20 the whole year

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RE:What do you wear to sleep year round?

Dead of winter: 1, early spring and late fall: 2, and once it is warm enough:20.

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RE:What do you wear to sleep year round?

20, no need for it.

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