Petition time of the year

Well we were visiting friends in Phoenix. They dont mind me being naked at their house. Yeah !

It was a the next day after we got there and I was packing up the blow up mattress. Yes and it was in the living room in the front of the house. No curtains on the picture windows either. Well the was a ring from the front gate! You can only see into the window from the security front gate only ten feet away. Well I was picking up the sheets and blanket. Folding them when I heard the ring. Our friend went out to find out what they wanted. Turned out that needed signatures for a petition. Oh okay I dont have to hide, and continued to pick up the bedding. I looked over my shoulder and sure enough I was in full view of them.
I tried not to hide anything I was doing ! Even got down on all fours to fold the mattress. I know that they could see me but nothing was said. I hope the lady getting the signed paperwork had time to look around. Lol

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RE:Petition time of the year

So there was a full moon over Phoenix?
I love being seen at random times by unsuspecting folks.

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RE:Petition time of the year

At least I hope ! Lol

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