Make your own sign

When abroad as a young lad, we took a lovely walk along a near deserted beach and came across a sign. This was a canvas strung between two broom handle type posts and said, "NUDE PERSONS MAY BE SEEN PAST THIS POINT". As we approached it to have a closer look, an older man with swimwear on, came over and took the sign down, rolled it up and walked off with it. Just by his tan, it would seem he was a casual nude sunbather and took his own sign along. As a fact, we could have made our own sign like that, because it was the only shade on the beach for hundreds of yards and we didn't like to cook with clothes on, or nude. 150520241017

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RE:Make your own sign

When abroad as a young lad, we took a lovely walk along a near deserted beach and came across a sign. This was a canvas strung between two broom handle type posts and said, "NUDE PERSONS MAY BE SEEN PAST THIS POINT". As we approached it to have a closer look, an older man with swimwear on, came over and took the sign down, rolled it up and walked off with it. Just by his tan, it would seem he was a casual nude sunbather and took his own sign along. As a fact, we could have made our own sign like that, because it was the only shade on the beach for hundreds of yards and we didn't like to cook with clothes on, or nude. 150520241017

Many moons ago, there used to be a book "World Guide to Nude Beaches and Recreation" published every few years. This sign was included in it:

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:Make your own sign 07062024

I'm wondering why we (Nudists who are already comfortable social nudists), don't take basic steps to further our nudist passions. If it's acceptable to have a local council or some other body designate this sort of signage, we can do it ourselves. We have some horrible boxing and other injury causing sports, judo and karate etc. and they are undertaken with an understanding an injury will happen, sometimes a bad one, but that doesn't stop people wanting to undergo their sporting risks. If a person thinks they might be offended by seeing a nude person, male or female of any age and asleep in the sun, they don't have to look around, just keep looking somewhere else for a while until that risk is gone.

I'm looking for someone to help make myself a sign like this, so I can find a secluded spot somewhere and relax with the knowledge that anyone making a discovery of their own, isn't likely to be shocked or go silly in any way. Some canvas type banner will be fine, hung from one broom handle and lifted by another similar rod. Anyone interested in a joint venture? Martin 07062024

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RE:Make your own sign 07062024

We have some horrible boxing and other injury causing sports, judo and karate etc. and they are undertaken with an understanding an injury will happen, sometimes a bad one, but that doesn't stop people wanting to undergo their sporting risks. If a person thinks they might be offended by seeing a nude person, male or female of any age and asleep in the sun, they don't have to look around, just keep looking somewhere else for a while until that risk is gone.

Those situations aren't analogous.
In one case, someone is choosing to participate in an activity which may cause harm to themselves, but they enjoy.

In the other, one person is choosing to participate in an activity they enjoy at the risk of offending someone else.

(whether or not nudity should be considered offensive is a separate discussion)

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RE:Make your own sign 07062024

Oh dear, being analogous isn't necessary it's basic common sense. If I see someone picking their nose in public--I'll look away or close my eyes. I might need to pick my nose from time to time, perhaps I should announce the fact and give people warning to they can turn away or get their cameras out and record my efforts to put on Utube and complain about it to those of a similar mind. How about you making your own sign, listing those things which upset and offend you personally. if anyone does wrong, you can give them a really hard stare and wag your finger at them. Next time someone drills a hole in the bathroom with the hope of watching me masturbate, I'll call upon some spirit to swoop down and poke them in their eyes. Don't worry, it won't matter if it's a 16 year old naked girl or some crusty old 80 year old who has only two weeks to live, I don't discriminate and I can make a concrete block repent if I sing in the shower. Be afraid and confused-very confused.

Those situations aren't analogous.
In one case, someone is choosing to participate in an activity which may cause harm to themselves, but they enjoy.

In the other, one person is choosing to participate in an activity they enjoy at the risk of offending someone else.

(whether or not nudity should be considered offensive is a separate discussion)

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