RE: How to convince or persuade wife to Nudism???

. . . . We went in August and they made us take the initial tour fully nude. . . . .

That is quite unusual. Most resorts I have been to allow new visitors to tour in as many clothes as they want and to lose them as they feel comfortable.

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RE:How to convince or persuade wife to Nudism???

convince or persuade? you ask, if she says 'no'. thats it. if she says 'yes', then job done. if you have to convince or persuade...dont.

I'm going to respectfully disagree here. I've been married twice; and both wives initially said "No way!" to nudism. Had I given up after the first "no" I would have never gotten to where I am today.

I did manage to "convince" the both of them; not so much of getting naked "publicly", but of opening their minds. Whether they got naked or not was always up to them. Yes it took some time, patience and understanding; but they both ended up full-fledged social nudists.

Sometimes "no means no...forever." But sometimes it just means "no just right now." It's up both spouses to then decide if the conversation is worth pursuing.

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RE:How to convince or persuade wife to Nudism???

convince or persuade? you ask, if she says 'no'. thats it. if she says 'yes', then job done. if you have to convince or persuade...dont.I'm going to respectfully disagree here. I've been married twice; and both wives initially said "No way!" to nudism. Had I given up after the first "no" I would have never gotten to where I am today.I did manage to "convince" the both of them; not so much of getting naked "publicly", but of opening their minds. Whether they got naked or not was always up to them. Yes it took some time, patience and understanding; but they both ended up full-fledged social nudists.Sometimes "no means no...forever." But sometimes it just means "no just right now." It's up both spouses to then decide if the conversation is worth pursuing.

I agree completely with Nudony. Though it took little to no persuading for my wife to live as nudists, it took a little convincing for her to open her mind to social nudism. Her only regret was not being convinced sooner.

How to do this is different for each and every couple. You know your wife best but what worked for us and what I've advised others in your situation was open and honest communication between both of you. If she's willing to open up about her fears, concerns, misconceptions or misunderstandings of nudism, maybe you'll be able to find some common ground where she'd be willing to at least try it at home.

Nudism starts at home. Don't start by jumping into the idea that visiting a nude beach, club or resort is at the top of the priority list. If someone isn't comfortable being naked at home, that's where you begin.

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RE:How to convince or persuade wife to Nudism???

I agree with Andydi, If your wife is not willing to be nude at home which mine is not except maybe dressing or bathing, she certainly won't be seen anywhere else naked! I know for a fact that my wife will never be nude outside the home nor would she participate with me doing so, and it's ok with me. Being a retired RN and former Army Field Medic, she has often stated" I have seen all the naked people I need to see for a lifetime" I love her, married for 30+ years now and I have realized for some time now, I will never change her opinion about nudism so I don't bother her with it . Not that I have not tried in the past several times! Enjoy your marriage, it's not the end of the world.

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