Political Correctness

On another board I made a statement that not all nudists share the same vision of naturism and that I didn't agree with forcing unwanted nudity on the general public. I was not referring to nude beaches, resorts, clubs or some forms of protest but I was informed that I was anti-nudist and generally not politically correct. Both charges baffled me as I am pro responsible nudism andpoliticalcorrectness seems to betakingover too many facets of our lives.
I have friends of different colors/religions etc ... therefore I amenlightened.
I dislike certain people of different colors/religions etc ... therefore I am abigotedracist.
I like and respect certain gay people and call them my friends ... Therefore I amenlightened(again).
I dislike certain gay people ... therefore I am homophobic.
I have both left wing and right wing friends and some I dislike ... therefore I am wrong depending on your stance.

Nudists are peoplewithmany different likes and dislikes (and yes prejudices) yet many think we should all conform to a set standard simply because we enjoy nude recreation.
I would like yourthoughtson how political correctness is affecting our lives and especially our naturist philosophy and attitudes.

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RE: Political Correctness

so the entire membership of the NRA is homophobic for disliking rosie o'donnel?

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RE: Political Correctness

I go along with everything you said in your statement about liking some of just about everything/one.

I am a fiscal conservative, socially liberal - I don't let others dictate what i should believe in. I try to be inclusive rather than exclusive

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RE: Political Correctness

"Politically Correct" was originally a term (translated) used in the Soviet Union to refer to strict adherence to the party line. Politically incorrect persons were closely watched, arrested and worse. How it ended up with its current meaning in the West is a mystery to me and why does the word "political" form part of it in its current (Western) meaning? Inessenceif you were politically correct you would never deviate from the party line in thought, word or deed. It has nothing to do with acceptance, discrimination etc except in the minds of a few who seem to feel that their thoughtsinterpretationsof others etc are the only correct ones and who wish to impose those thoughts on others. My thoughts are my own and may be interpreted by some as beingpoliticallyincorrect and by others as being benign and to be honest I really don't care as I am true to myself as an individual. Yes, I have strong feelings on some subjects and I will defend them but I also will respect those who disagree with me and their right to do so. Sometimes it is best to simply agree to disagree and get on with life. ... End oframblingthoughts.

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RE: Political Correctness

Political Correctness is just another term for lying. But people can't handle the truth anymore.

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RE: Political Correctness

If you have to be politically correct, you don't have balls any more, regardless of gender.
I f..k care about political correctness in my private life, and happily observe some people are shocked by my language. On the other hand I dislike bigotry, slander and prejudice and try not to insult people unless they have done something to deserve seriously negative feedback. Having been some 200+ times in a political entity called Soviet Union before its collapse, I am sad to observe that there are in the free world more and more all kinds of attempts to emasculate language and other public expression. Unfortunately US is somewhat further in that than the old continent, but Europe is catching up quickly.
Politically corret language is an endless abyss of making language poorer and poorer and finding out indirect or complicated expressions to simple things.

TravelNudie aka Aki

Proud for not being politically correct

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RE: Political Correctness

I refuse to be politically correct for the sake of appearing to be some way that I am not... Manners and ettiquette are all thats required...
I refuse to call black people "African Americans" it is stupid and pretends we don't have race differences, just regional ones.
Bullshit! I asked my Black friends which term they preferred and their answer was unanimous... African American is for people who immigrated from africa whithin 1 or 2 generations...Every one else is a Black American... This is a city phenominon anyway, only in the large cities do people worry about such crap...

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RE: Political Correctness

Politically correct is an oxymoron. It's also neither. Fits right up there with moral majority.

NIM, not sure where your "leftist" diatribe came from, but being someone who is neither left nor right (or maybe both) I can tell you that the most "politically correct" people I know are hard-core, right-wing, conservatives.


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RE: Political Correctness

Political Correctness is the last refuge of the Intellectually Inept.

Love n stuff,

Rudie x

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RE: Political Correctness

Obama is taking our freedom. On the health care, the american people said we do not want it. Obama, who cares, you will take it because I say so. American people say protect our borders. Obama says no, I need the criminals to vote for me. Americans say protect our shores from oil. Obama refused help that could have kept the oil from our shores. The American people are losing there rights and we need to take back our rights in Nov.

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RE: Political Correctness

Political correctness is one of those things that looked good on paper. In real life, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

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