Good morning Miev123, I see you are going to have a birthday soon, I'll wish you a Happy Birthday now before I forget to in the near future....because I know I'll forget...
Happy Birthday!!
Also I'm a fairly new member here at TN and have been thinking about becoming a life time three month dues are up here the end of December.....I am so far enjoying the site and everyone that I have communicated with. Other than that time the site wouldn't let me log in for a day or so, and the trouble with other small issues.....although everything seems to be running fairly smooth now.
As for lifetime memberships, they all don't seem so impressive now that I am 65 as when I was 20......Haaa!!!
Naked Hugs, Nick
Thanks. I spent the morning picking up leaves at a world heritage site and the early afternoon at a funeral (not a close friend or relative), both clothed. But I'm naked now and will be out for some beers with friends tonight. So a fairly average day really.