There are several individuals on this site who are hard at work exposing the fakes and scammers. Why are these fakes and scammers not removed??? Some have been on this site for over a year and continue to scam. In order to save this site, there really needs to be serious effort to clean up the site and get rid of these scammers. As it stands now, no one can trust anyone.
whats the situation regards privacy issues on here i wonder from here appearing on other sites
b..... private messages ,whispers and converastions ............are they really private ?
would be interesting to know the facts ,maybe tt2 can contribute ,as i am hearing a lot of people in chatroom saying their private conversations have been repeated word for word by someone else !!
i find it concerning .
Memphis, TN US
She messaged me saying "Hello"
I replied with this,
"You joined two hours ago. Your profile has not been filled out. You're using a picture of Katie Banks, who is a known Canadian porn actor. You claim to be a 26 year old woman, living in Tennessee. Now you try to make contact with a 66 year old man, who I don't even think is particularly good looking, all the way out in Washington state. Do you really think that I would have any reason to trust you? "
Then I flagged its sorry ass!