RE:Flag a fake

Yeah. I got a "like" from that name yesterday

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RE:Flag a fake

I got one too.

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RE:Flag a fake

Toronto, CA CA

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RE:Flag a fake

had to flag / report a person here - Elena_N
Harrisburg , Pennsylvania US

lures you to google chat and after 1 day block

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RE:Flag a fake

New York, NY US

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RE:Flag a fake


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RE:Flag a fake

Well lets see. Names that you have had. nakedirish, nakedirish1, nakedirish_1, nakedirish2, nakedirish_2, nakedirish11, nakedirish_11nakedirish12, nudeirishman and now nudeirishman1 all of those with the exception of the last one cant be used again because they have been flagged as FAKE.Ok my turn names I've had Xray_123 what and certified and have never been removed from this site.Get certified prove your not fake.

Just because an account is tedious or obnoxious, it doesn't mean they're "fake".

This thread is to flag profiles that are clearly just spam bots, or catphish, etc.... profiles that join simply to spam PMs about joining other sites, or accounts impersonating pornstars, etc.

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RE:Flag a fake

well seems that the person Xray is bit of a stalker, if he remembers, all them other names of ppl, mind, from what i seen he sits in room and his mouth only opens when also the fake tabs says some things or is it Martha, or Tehan

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RE:Flag a fake

Where doe's that come into the picture FastFive a fake is a fake multiple profiles never ever certified doe's nothing but cause dismay in the chat. He is a fake. Bottom line. More of a get real or go home. He is one of the main reasons women refuse to talk in the room. If he is real he has this chance to prove it. I know of 6 certified women that he has personally attacked on this site that are certified and proven who they are yet he remains uncertified and plays his games and his little group plays on. I'm way from done with them. Step up or move on.

A "fake" would be a profile that misrepresents the user behind the keyboard.... ie. a "female" profile actually being a sad, lonely guy in his parents basement, or a profile using a picture of a person that clearly isn't the person a the keyboard (pornstars, for example).

Multiple, uncertified profiles just means he's a loser with too much spare time on his hands.

Back to the subject of actual fakes: "Certified" doesn't mean jack around here, since I've already found profiles with the yellow sun using photos stolen from elsewhere on the web, and even one that uses an edited photo with a manipulated face and photoshopped "certification" text.

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RE:Flag a fake

seems X ray u keep the names of all others, sound bit of a stalker to me u do, , but then again u got to keep list of all ur fake n
names also

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