Couples, what is it you like about single guys?
What makes you interested in them? Doesn't have to be sexual but I tihnk most on here are, even if they don't mention it.
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- 13 years ago
RE: Couples, what is it you like about single guys?
Lots of nice guys out there who are attentive to women and appreciate them.
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- 13 years ago
RE: Couples, what is it you like about single guys?
We find that the social interplay between a couple and a single guy can be a lot more straightforward than the interplay between two couples. It just keeps things simple.
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- 13 years ago
RE: Couples, what is it you like about single guys?
As for me?It isa matter of comfort. It is often much easier to talk to couples. To find out what everyone wants and likes. It is just simply comfortable.
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- 12 years ago
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