• Gerry-4
  • The blind leading the blind - UPDATED

    by Gerry-4 on December 01, 2009

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I already posted one article on Muslim women this week. Here is another of a different type. In an article entitled Understanding the Niqab (at https://www.thebruns.ca/content/2009-11/understanding-niqab), the author was generally explaining the Niqab and defending the rights of Muslim women to wear it if that is what they wish. I have no problem with women wearing it as long as it is truly an exercise in personal choice. However, I did take issue with her "Islamic reason" for wearing the Niqab, and wrote a comment to the site. Here now is my comment as published:

You write: "The Islamic reason for giving women the choice to wear or not to wear the Niqab is to avoid any attraction between men and women, and we all know that that attraction does exist. And if left unharnessed it has the potential to break down the values of society."

What of blind men who are attracted to women no matter what they wear? Should these visually impaired people be somehow controlled because their visual faculties cannot tell them it's time to behave? If we follow your argument logically, these blind men, if left unharnessed, have the potential to break down the values of society.

I agree women should be allowed to wear whatever they want according to their beliefs, but to say that this somehow helps break down attraction between the sexes is wishful thinking, at best.

If I were to rewrite the above today, my only change would be for clarification. Instead of saying to say that this somehow helps break down attraction, I would write to say thatclothing somehow helps break down attraction. Apparently, in her opinion, the Niqab is to prevent sexual attraction. But my association with blind and visually impaired people has convinced me that when it comes to sexual attraction, the visual part is only one component, and not even essential.
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