The Mens Room

Discussions on Male Related issues with Nudism

making contact with other scottish gay male...

wanting to establish contact with other scottish gay male nudists in and around scotland.


If that doesn't get the attention of newmembers of the male gender, I don't know WHAT will! Please guys, we veterans here don't want to sound cranky, but the Erection topic has been discussed and debatedad nauseum. However, recognising...

Amateur Artist/ photog looking for male...

I used to draw in college and found it very relaxing, also tried a few times with photography. Always admired the male body any guys in Nj eastern Pa or surrounding areas feel like giving it a try?All body types can be interesting. Demeanor helps,...


Hi I am bi curiou,and I want to meet people into nudism.

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by mallardm45 
friends or foes

ive been going to a nude beach now for about 6 years now and most of the people on the beach are really friendly but theres the 'others' that just want to look or touch you i know that this is unacceptable but i have to admit i have come to...

Nude pic tips

I have read many forums about eretions and the like. I would like to know when it cames time to take the male nude pictures. Are there any special tips to taking good nude male pictures.


We all know why this is here!

Summer is here --- again

It's summer again in the UK. We had a sunny day 2 weeks ago and I thought that was our lot, but the forecast says "warm, then hot, then hotter" over the coming weekend. I'll be taking full advantage of it by heading north about 40...

Annoying dreams

I made a search before posting this but didn't come up with any results. I've been sleeping naked now for many years and just love it. The only thing I really dislike about it is wet dreams. They can be very messy. I had my first one when I...

not sexual hard on... in public?

one of the reasons why i'm afraid of beeing socialy nude is because although i'm not a realy "sexual" guy, i get aroused frequently, but not for a sexual response, it just happens, for irrigation (my doct explained) but it is not...