Ball Stretcher/Weights. They are good for you.

If you have ever wandered about ball weights how they work and the benefits check out my group ""

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RE:Ball Stretcher/Weights. They are good for you.

I did it for a while, but my scrotum never got any longer, maybe I didn't give it enought time, but as I do a lot of cycling they just got in the way so I gave up

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RE:Ball Stretcher/Weights. They are good for you.

I did it for a while, but my scrotum never got any longer, maybe I didn't give it enought time, but as I do a lot of cycling they just got in the way so I gave up

I've been wearing mine everyday for about one year now. I have noticed a significant difference on the size of my balls. They are definitely bigger and hang lower. I have also noticed that my loads are much lager in volume. It does take me a bit longer ejaculate which is not a bad thing.

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RE:Ball Stretcher/Weights. They are good for you.

Good for you? No. If you already have a varicocele - mass of varicose veins in the scrotum - or if you would rather minimize your chances of acquiring one - you should avoid any device that makes it more difficult for blood to get up out of the scrotum, which would include rings and weights.

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RE:Ball Stretcher/Weights. They are good for you.

Must agree with Steve. Varicocele is one cause of infertility, so younger men should be cautious.

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