RE: Smmoth Men share your secrets....

Most hair removal places will laser your pubs..Just got to know about their Brasilian laser trim.In fact they will tell you exactly what & how they will do this.I went to 1 place that the1 lady that i talked to had that kind of laser done to her.She was even able toput my mind at ease i asked about what happens if i got an erection.She said that 1) if you shave as close as possible before coming in & 2) if you didn't get a hardon they would be surprised.They said that it's easier for them to work if they can move your penis around to get into the tighter places.She asked me if i would show how high up i wanted to go.She just took hold of my penis & showed me the tight spots she was talking about.Then she said it didn't look like i would have a problem getting a hardon as it started as soon as she took hold of it.

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RE: Smmoth Men share your secrets....

have been smooth for over 17 years...just shave !!!!!

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RE: Smmoth Men share your secrets....

I used depilation cream but I didn't like the result. Some hairs didn't go down, so I had to shave them. Now I use razor every 3 days in the shower and that is it.

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RE: Smmoth Men share your secrets....

the best shaver I have found is ladies Venus ! It shaves my balls smooth and no nicks at all. For the rest , i use my trimmer.

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RE: Smmoth Men share your secrets....

Ihaveused Phillips bodygroom TT2021 for 5 years. Usingit for armpits, genitials, legsand chest.Easier than shaving with Gillette.
Think it's time to buyand test the new Bodygroom TT2040.
Has anyone tested the Bodygroom TT2040?

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RE: Smmoth Men share your secrets....

How often you have to use that Bodygroom ''thingy''? Every day or..?

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RE: Smmoth Men share your secrets....

I trim my pubic hairs once a week, but shave my entire scrotum and around the base of my penis almost daily. I use a safety razor but occasionally have to use a tweezer to extract that rare hair that escapes the daily routine. Keeping the entire shaft of the penis hair-free is not only visually appealing, but that, combined with a smooth scrotum, also feels better with or without clothing (at least it does for me).

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i shave alot every 2 or 3 days that helps

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RE: Smmoth Men share your secrets....

Laser following with a few years of electrolysis.

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RE: Smmoth Men share your secrets....

Hi all, now is the perfect time for me to answer this question. I've recently had an autologous stem cell transplant for multiple myeloma and in preparation, I had a massive dose of chemo. Well, all is going well, and in my opinion, better than expected at another level. I've lost all body hair except for a few hairs in my moustache. A month after the chemo nothing is yet growing back and it's great. Maintenance is at 0! LOLPrior to this added side-effect benefit, I shaved every day when necessary. I have been dry shaving for many many years and find it to be the best method for my skin. There's no iritation and now that my skin is used to it, the ingrown hairs are a rarity.Keep smooth everyone, it's the only way to go!Tim

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