Site content update.

Site content update.

Hello, many of you have seen some changes to the site regarding censorship of words, groups,usernames, topics, etc.

On Friday our merchant suspended our services due to an automated audit that was returning back certain keywords that are not allowed on the sites. We are currently working on finding a balanced framework that aligns with our Merchant’s strict regulations as well as our own stricter guidelines. Since we have what is considered an adult site with “adult content” we have very specific parameters we have to work in if we want to keep the lights on.

We’ve been working non stop to make sure we meet their guidelines and while the censorship of certain words seems overbearing at the moment it’s helping us clean up some content deemed inappropriate as well. This is a work in progress as the necessary changes were asked of us immediately and we really had to take a scorched earth approach in order to get back from suspension.

Group names have been edited and or deleted if they had topics that were not in agreement with TOS rules. If one of your groups was affected I do apologize.

If your profile was affected in any way please be patient with us as we find the best way to move forward.

We’ve also been diligently working on removing the BOT batches and spammers that come on the site. This has been an aggravating issue and with the help of flagging users we’ve been removing them slowly but surely. If you look a the Flag a fake forum the ones reported do get removed. Thank you for helping with this

As of today, our payment system is back up and working. If you're able, please feel free to share some christmas joy with us, as we definitely took a big hit these past 5 days.

I answer messages directly to me @teamtrue2 if you have a specific site issue you need assistance with and while it might not be immediate I do respond.

Thanks for your patience and we look forward to moving forward.

Tags : Forums

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  • How do I make profile changes , I still have travel dates from 2023 , would like to be able to make some changes to profile . Thanks Gail
    • how do i get to the chat room
      • weird I didn't open my cam in chat that I was banned .... can someone explain this? thanks
        • I tried to talk to Nudebeth, but it said this content is removed from our system. What does that mean
          • Why are moderate nude pictures constantly removed when there are way more extreme sexual pictures on this site? New subscriber and find this very short sided like there is favoritism. Which means you will get one payment only and not another. I thought you were a nudist site, not a marxist censorship site.
            • Hi, happy holidays to you. Just a quick question. The videos for travel honey. How long are they?
              • my name is brian i live in western australia single whatapp number 0419950042 like to chat to ladies
                • What is TN's policy re WOKE issues?
                  • if a member is banned ,,, i think it would be a step forward :- to say why they were banned but dont qoute rule numbers,,,, when banned you can not find the rules ??????
                    • I am disappointed that I cant find a way of discovering others in my locality. The UK maps dont load. When I try to enter my own UK location t ed I am disappointed that the location search facility doesnt work In the UK. The web site keeps changing my location to US
                      * The views expressed in the article and in the following comments are of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of this website's owners