Youtube Shut us down again!

Youtube Shut us down again!

Hello Everyone,

We wanted to share a quick update about our YouTube channel. Recently, our nudist-oriented content, which has consistently followed YouTube's guidelines, faced an unexpected removal from the platform.

In response, we're complying under protest by uploading censored versions of our videos on YouTube. Simultaneously, the original, uncensored content is available on our dedicated website for those who prefer the unaltered experience.

We're actively working to restore all our content, new videos will be available next week.

For now the videos we've gotten up so far can be found at

Tags : Censorship, Shutdown, Nudism, Nudity, Nude Not Lewd

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  • Fartbook placed ads on my feed showing Dogs being skinned alive and there's also groups showing actual Humans being killed, yet post a nipple and you're banned. I find the double standards of mainstream social media to be somewhat warped.
    • YouTube has no issues with the female nipple as long as that nipple is attached to a black girl in African costume. YouTube sucks. Set up a channel on vimeo for your uncensored video posts.
      • I been using for a long time and others are there that are a nudist / naturist. Maybe you should check it out and see if it is for
        • Meh...8ve been banned from facebok/meta for months at a time because when I REPOSTED one of their historical articles about a race riyot, it tagged me for "race baiting" (as if). Another time, I copied one ofnTHEIR ads in my feed that that was straight up print with a bj in it, and I subsequently gotbtapped for obscenity by THEIR ad. No recourse whatsoever. Given how weird society is towards gasp! nudism, that were walking barefoot on eggshells comes as no surprise. Carry on.
          • Move to Reddit.
            • YouTube has no problems about showing the brutality of the human race though does it ? Makes you wonder about their mindset does it not ? I agree with planedoc, go elsewhere.
              • YouTube is well known to censor all kinds of free speech. Try elsewhere?
                * The views expressed in the article and in the following comments are of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of this website's owners