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Millions of Americans oppose SOPA and PIPA... Sign this petition, let's protect the freedom of the Internet. Big business, big government cannot be trusted to protect our rights. Lobbysists are not on the side of the citizens of this country.

chat room

i understand the reasons why some folks are kicked out of the chat room. my guestion is .....if one is not given a reason why they are kicked out, should it be a banned for an unknown lenght of time also, without given any reasons or notices for...

Have a question on freind request

Hi, I have been sending some friend request and can see the ones that accepted me. My question, is there a way to see who I have already sent request to. I don't want to send multiple request thinking I had actually sent one when it is just ...

Running Counts of Posts and Views

I have noticed that after making posts to the Forum, my Post Count does not increase. I have also had friends go to my Profile Page but the view total has not increased. Is there a problem here or are there a new set of rules for keeping the running...

Certified member, looks awfully young

There's a Certified member here. He puts his age at 18, but looks no more than 14. I'm not identifying him yet because I'm not sure I should make trouble. At almost 57 myself, maybe I've gotten to a point where everybody under 30...

posting comments

How long has it been that you have to be a member of a certain group to post a reply on a forum? or has it always been like that and I have just been lucky on my posts.

Latest PostBump
by mallardm45 
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Sexy Deep V-neck 2010 Custom Made Wedding Gown is not get through, the tears as they flow out Sick mind cannot understand because of contradictions and that alumni wronged or because you want a hug to be less than the grievance Karma is not to...

new member

Hello Friends ! Im new in this site . On the top of my page they say "new members receive this special for a limited time" what does means ? that only I can be member of truenudists for free only for 4 days ? (expires in 4 days) . I love...

PLEASE Number Your Posts.

( 1) There hes been a lot of concern from people about the post count dropping off, so I thought it would be a good idea for people to number each post. There is no reason why post numbers should change when one or more are deleted from a thread....