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Promoting nudity

Great to see the Brisbane Times, a mainstream online newspaper promoting nude destinations.


What is the best way to strike up a conversation with someone on a nude beach without coming across as creepy? How do you know if people want to be left alone or are opened to people talking to them? I'm super paranoid that I will annoy or...

Nudity not sexual group

True nudity no sexual activities involved. Maybe forming a live nude conversation group

Nude friendly locker rooms in AR and MS

I travel occasionally in AR and MS for work. I enjoy working out and hitting the hot tub, sauna and/or steam room afterwards. If you know of gyms in AR and MS that have these locker room amenities, please let me know. In AR, the athletic clubs in...

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Motorcycle rally Galveston - Nov 05 to 07 -...

Someone from the group is around Galveston Tx, at the motorcycle rally ... I'm looking to make lifestyle friends ...

Latest Postso how was it?
by 85springer 
Big Nude Boat 2021

Hi fellow cruisers. We are getting closer to two weeks of clothes free sailing. We are hoping to meet others from True Nudists so we can make new friends. We heard from a couple of folks. We hope to hear from more.

Gallery pictures

OK, Im on the brink of tearing my hair out as admin keep deleting my photos. I dont believe they are rude, and they conform to the requirements. Nobody else is in any picture apart from me. Deleted pictures include: - Naked Full frontal showing...

Looking for real nudists to help promote...

Hello nudists! I am an avid nudist who believes that nudism needs to be presented to society so that it can be looked at as a legitimate lifestyle, rather than a cover for sexual related activity. There is way too much porn associated with the term...

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Code needed to send messages

Hi all, I tried sending an email to an existing friend and it required me to enter a code. However, I could not see the box containing the code, just the box where I was to enter the code. Can anyone please help me? Thanks in advance.