Morning Coffee/Tea in the nude
Please refrain from making inappropriate comments on submitted photos. Any comments of a sexual nature will force me to delete your membership to the group. Yes ... we are adults, but we need to act like adults and not make lewd comments on our...
Has anyone here experimented with the idea of making a pot out in the sun over the course of a few hours? I have been doing a lot of cold brew overnight in the fridge and the 10 hour rule seems to be good for that but I haven't tried leaving it...
BLANK, PRIVATE OR MINIMALLY FILLED OUT PROFILES ... will NOT be allowed to join. Must have a profile picture. Those members that have not logged onto the site in over 90 days will be dropped and you can reapply for membership to the group. Profile...
While I was Active duty in the Navy on watch, The sound of the engine hummed and was putting me to sleep....I sent the messenger to the mess decks and asked him to retrieve me a cup of coffee w/ some sugar and milk. From that point on
Wow does it ever feel good having my morning coffee Not sure how l ong the pic will stay up.
1 package (about 1 Tbs, 15 ml) dry active yeast 1/4 cup (60 ml) warm water 6 1/2 cups (1.625 L) all-purpose flour 2/3 cup (160 ml) sugar 1/2 tsp (2 ml) salt 6 eggs 1/4 cup (60 ml) vegetable oil 1 tsp (5 ml) lemon extract 1 tsp (5 ml) vanilla extract...
This is always my favorite time of the day - naked morning coffee. It's also nice to watch the news and see that warmer temperatures are returning and the sun comes up earlier coming in my window as I have my dark roast. Happy Naked Sunday...
I know you are meant to stir coffee in a French press. I have done it before, but I usually don't. I don't think I could tell the difference if there was a cash prize involved. Does anyone know what the deal is with stirring?