Large Penis Support Group (
Hey all. Ive never thought of me being big. My head is too bit to fit in my uncut foreskin but otherwise I never thought about it. Until I moved to Indonesia and many said they wouldnt bottom for me because its too big.
Hello every1 from Athens, Greece ! Medium penis here, around 4cm flaccid and 15cm when fully erect. (sorry, Americans, you will have to do the conversion to inches) BUT it has always been the WELL endowed men who have shown me the most appreciation...
My penis is 8 inch
I'm glad to inform you that I'm now sharing my daily naked life on some new platform: There will be all sort of different contents - daily life, nudist adventures, naked dares, naked workout/gym,...
Had to share this picture on here. The shadow down my leg is something else! Been exploring the South of France - plenty more photos on my profile - feel free to send me a request.
Have you ever been to an Onsen in Japan and do you have any recommendation on which place to visit?
I have always found it confusing when the subject of size crops up. What exactly is large and what is small? Every man knows that the penis differs in size from time to time and much depends on the weather and his mood. If he is nervous, it will...
First ever "Question of the week" for the group. If you could only suggest one nude beach in the entire world which you would recommend to others, which would it be ? Please give the name and location of this beach and why it is you like...
I found out I had a larger than average cock in gym class when I noticed guys looking and making comments. I hated being teased in the early days of gym class. About a few weeks later I became known as Bull not horse but Bull. Guys were now teasing...
Hey guys, just joined and glad to be approved. I haven't actually checked out everyone else's junk (kinda intimidated, lol... ) but glad to be amongst you all. Hoping someday to either host or join up at an in-person sausage fest!