Large Penis Support Group (
First of all, a big thank you to all who have joined the group since it was started. We're now over 5000 members and with some luck we'll soon have our 5555th member. I also want to remind all who have joined to please introduce yourselves...
7 1/2 uncut, 420-friendly nudist. Unfortunately, dont get to practice much nudism at home- roommates. Have been to two nudist resorts in the area. LOVE EM! Trying to get a friend of mine to go to a nudist resort - hes shy about possibly having an...
I'm pleased to join this group and share information with others who find a large penis size to be an issue in their naturist life. I am a lifetime naturist and now live for 6 months of the year at a naturist campground in Canada. I spend as...
Just wanted to introduce myself Im Jerry thank you for accepting me to the group
Hi folks I am just introducing myself as requested. I have been a nudist for 40 yrs but mainly since living in Sydney and I appreciate large penises and love looking at them as well support the guys who have large penis
Im not sure if I ever introduced myself. Ive been into nudism for about 12 years now. Beach, camping, resort or at home.
Im not sure if I ever introduced myself. Ive been into nudism for about 12 years now. Beach, camping, resort or at home.
Hello! My name is Uli-from Bulgaria! Thank you very much for joining the group! The interest in showing my nudity started at puberty with my classmates ... then I noticed that my penis impressed my classmates in appearance and size and in response...
Ciao, sono Cristiano, sono di Roma (Italia), ho 49 anni e pratico nudismo da quando ne avevo 13/14. Mi piace il nudismo come stile di vita perche mi da una sensazione di liberta sia fisica (libero dai vestiti) che mentale (senza dover nascondere...