clothes free kitchen and naked wines

Clothes free cook out

Anyone doing bare grilling or clothes free cook out for Labor Day? Whats on the menu?

Wine as gift

Who gives wine as gifts? what is your favorite wine (type and wine maker) to gift to someone?

Relaxing after work before cooking

Relaxing after work with a glass on Malbec before cooking my evening meal naked. What's your pre meal prep look like.

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Did most of yesterday's prep nude. No nude time today because we had company.

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Delicious mankini recipe from my favourite...

Ive just made this; its delicious. Best cooked and eaten naked with rice (puffed as per the recipe, or cooked very gently over a low heat: one part rice to 2 parts water until all the water is absorbed)....

Love cooking naked!

I love cooking, and I love being naked. 2+2, in this case, = 1,000! Nakedness makes me free. It makes me creative and positive. And I have a Naked Chef apron given to me as a birthday present to prove it! Better still if I can serve my food in my...

Wine subscriptions

Have you ever tried a wine subscription? You know the services that send the wine choices of your preference on a regular schedule. Share your experience.

Favorite fall dishes

What are your favorite fall dishes to prepare in the clothes free kitchen? Share

Cabernet Merlot

Love a good cab have several in wine fridge. This week I had a cab Merlot blend at an event it was interesting. I would like to try again anyone have suggestions on pairing or places to find?

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Members please share an Introduction of...

Members please share an Introduction of yourself so we can get connected in our common interest Of cooking. I am Earl recently restarted this group as it was dormant and the original creator hadnt been on the site for a while. I consider myself a...