Michigan Naturists/Nudists

Naked hiking

With the weather finally warming up, I would like to go on naked hikes. Any suggestions?

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any plans for 2023?

Is anyone planning or know of get togethers of like minded people this year? I'd like to get to know fellow Michigan nudists

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Oval beach this wek

I am looking at going to Oval Beach this Tues. Anyone like to meetup?

Were i live

Webberville mich area anyone else

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by Markie2003 
West Michigan naturist

Looking through this group I see a lot of people from south east. But was wondering if anyone is from west Michigan?

Michigan nudist

Yes iam a Michigan nudist live in Lansing area be fun to find friends with a pool or hot tub or nature trails were u could walk nude

Hello, new member

Hello all, thanks for allowing me to join the group. I am in St Clair Shores, looking to meet others to hang out. Feel free to contact me. Robert

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Facebook page for Oakland County Male Nudists

I started a facebook group for Oakland county male nudists, join if your on FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/661952425051236

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Looking for friends around the Great Lakes

We're Jeff & Tracey and we refuse to hide our faces in these groups. We live in Holland and being nude is a part of our lives. Our lives has changed these last 5 years with bouts of cancer that have disabled the both of us. We're in...

Hi all

Hi all from South East michigan

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