Michigan Naturists/Nudists
Hey all! I have created a Michigan clothing optional group. Please send me a message if youd like to be added
Got ticket and table for NYE at Turtle Lake Resort last weekend. Look forward to dancing the New Year in clothes free. Where are there other MI holiday gatherings?
Anyone going to musicfest at Turtle Lake this weekend?https://www.turtle-lake.net/Music/2019/music_fest_2019.htm
I feel this is lame to ask, however we do not have the place to do this at home (we live in town with many houses around us). Does anyone have a woods or secluded place for an afternoon (naked, of course) walk for naturist photos? Or have a...
Hi i see a lot of members on the site from Michigan...but only a few certified...any idea why
Naturist Holiday Festive Sunday Naturist Holiday Gathering January 13th, 2019 6:00pm - 11:00pm Treehouse for Earths Children 22906 Mooney St. in Farmington Michigan 248-473-0624 RSVP Celebrate freedom clothing optional with Music, Dancing and Buffet...
June 22 , 2018 . I'm in Holland . Have a section of beach available where I am able to lay out most days naked for long periods of time . Lake Michigan is great . Steve
I know it's only May, but a small group of friends is planning on staying at TLR from July 28th through the 30th. Anyone willing to join us for a TN get together?
Hello everyone, just wondering if anyone in these areas ever have nudist get-togethers, such as parties or even to watch a sporting event? I cannot host since my wife is not YET on board with nudism (I'm working on it).