Talking about the art of the body

I love the intricacies of the different...

I am fascinated, in a non sexual way, (and also in a sexual way in the right context) with the varying dynamic differences in our sexual organs. Much like anything else with our bodies, they are uniquely different. Maybe its because many times you...


How do the guys feel about their foreskins, or lack of them?

All shapes, ages and sizes

The thing I like about the nude body is veriety. I appreceated this first when doing life-drawing. No doubt we all aspire to young, fit slim tanned bodies. But wouldn't it be boreing if we all looked the same? Maybe our bodies even reflect our...

Labia and clitoris

I'm extremely turned on with a beautiful vagina that is amazingly petite. Little vagina crack. Vagina is right up against petite clitoris. With petite extremely beautiful labia. I get sooooooo extremely, amazingly, turned on looking at it. When...

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to muck hair

this is a survay of sorts, is it better to have short hair, long hair or no hair at all