Naked Seniors!
I just turned 63 last month so I think I should fit right in with this group (if you'll have me). I've been letting my weeds grow so I'd have a good excuse to get out in my garden this weekend and get my first sunburn of the summer on my...
married male 61 wife non nudist is there any senior nudists in my area who I could visit and hang out nude with.
You can add me on Skype ID is Bruce.haycock3 On now!
I am a home nudist, 37yo, divorced, two kids, looking for nudists friends to keep in touch and exchange ideas. I got into nudism less then one year.
Hi We're a "young" couple in our 40s and hope we're welcomed to your group!? We prefer to let it all hang out with naturists older than us! Best wishes Declan and Hannah
With the most recent "Server Maintenance" several days ago it appears that photos posted during the last month or so have disappeared. From others' comments showing in my feed, this affects members' profile pics as well as groups....
As we age, waking up stiff takes on a whole new meaning, viz. trying to get our aging bodies in motion for another day. I've found yoga to be a great way to start the day. One or two mornings a week I'm part of a senior yoga group that meets...
Hello All 40+ years a nudist and always glad of any company either on the beach or any social situation. Love to hear from you.
When younger (as in my 20's and 30's) I was always comfortable hanging out with older nudists. I might say I enjoyed their wisdom and maturity. Now that I'm old, just the opposite holds true. While I still enjoy folks my age, I also...
I am 36 years old male live in Europe Hungary, l looking for nude job as a houddse boy or au pair in Europe or maybe another area also. if anyone interested send me private message please or email: Bye smallpenis36