Christian Nudists


I wanted to welcome you to the group, there is also another Christian Naturist Group that has a different focus. Here you can be who you are, It is mostly unregulated. I do encourage discussions to be discussions, It is you that makes any group...

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Nudists = Atheists

As I encounter various naturists on this site as well others, it seems that there are many who define themselves as atheists or agnostics. Is it just my perception or do others see the same trend?

Prayer request

any that have some thing that needs to be prayed apon please share

Being a Christian and a nudist.

I am a new nudist and my wife approves but she has a problem because we are Christians and attend church regularly. As a matter of fact we are getting ready to attend a Revival tonight. I would love to make friends and ask questions about your...

Oops! I don't want to appear dumb!

In my first post I made a dumb statement about wanting to talk to "anyone in the group that is a Christian and a Nudist." As I read it I realized how dumb that sounds, since I am in a group called "Christian Nudists." Please...

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Sexuality, Senuality and nudity

I disagree with those that say that nudism is not sexual, it is like saying being a Christian is not sexual. There are alot of roles I can choose in life, but being sexual is not one of them. Now the desire for sex can diminish as for many middle...

Casting the first stone during the holidays

I have given very little guidance with this group, ultimately in this Pilgram's progress that is our life's journey We have all chosen our own path. I am a straight Male, but I welcome and this group welcomes all walks of life, alternate...

Christian Nudists

How can there be so many members, and so little to say? We ought to be using this site to share and rejoice with one another. Instead, everyone joins and then never shares. Would God be happy that we are wasting this chance to share with our nude...