Driving while nude
I just bought a 1947 Jeep CJ, in perfect shape, white, black seats. no doors or top. completely naked you could say. Looking for suggestions and riders! for where to drive in the Palm Springs area.
What better way to spend a Saturday than driving to Cedar Creek Resort nude
WOO HOO!!! Going to get naked and hop in my truck on Friday for a nice long nude drive!! Heading from Northern California to Southern California, stopping somewhere around Paso Robles/San Louis Obispo Friday night, then continuing the trip down to...
I drive naked whenever it's practical, which is very often during warm weather but even on long trips when it's cold. Last week I made a round trip of about 700 miles. I was able to do about 620 miles completely nude. About 1/3 was on two...
My latest way of driving nude is without any clothes with me or with them out of reach in the boot (trunk). It adds an extra dimension when there is no way to cover up, or no way without getting out of the car naked first.
I'm not brave enough to drive down a US highway or interstate in the nude unless it's under the cloak of darkness. It's really the only time I am really nervous about being seen nude by others...mainly cops. After dark, there is less...
Ich biete eine Nackte Mitfahrgelegenheit. Dabei fahre ich am 4.7.17 von Hamburg nach Schweinfurt bzw. Knigsberg in Bayern. Ich kann zwei strecken nutzen entweder ber kassel oder nhe Erfurt. Also biete ich hier eine Mitfahrgelegenheit von Ecke...
Just completed a 1300 mile round trip this week. Drove approximately 1200 miles nude and mostly during the day. Was a real rush.
Love being completely naked in, the car especially going to and from beach. Folly Beach here in Charleston SC is a exhibitionist heaven. Hot southern girls and mature woman walking on side of road in hot , bikinis driving up next to * them...