Nude Gardeners

Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia

Forgot to state that I am Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia for the garden help topic just posted

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Indian Summer

This past week has been warm and sunny with temps in the 60's and 70's, very unusual for this time of year. I spent every afternoon doing some naked gardening. I grow everything in raised beds because of the very sandy native soil here. So...

Hedge Trimming

I always tril the private portions of our hedges naked and have just made a short video which can be viewed here.


I'll admit it, what attracted me to wonderberries is the legend that Luther Burbank created a new species, Solanum X burbankii. Well, the fact is, he didn't; it is a good species in itself, Solanum retroflexum. But what keeps me growing it...

Front yard/garden/drive

A couple of days ago I decided to ignore the safety instructions on the container and spray the weeds in the drive naked. I was, of course careful not to spray myself.

When new people move in next door.

The single story house next door have new tenants moving in, but as most of the garden fence on that side is high enough not to be seen over it will be nude as normal in my garden, and if they decide to stretch up and look over the fence just too...

purple leaf sand cherry/ plum leaf sand...

Looking for some more insight on growing purple leaf sand cherry( Prunus x cisterna). Also called the plum leaf sand cherry. I found some info on the plant, very little about the berries that they produce. Info on growing them is easy to find, not...

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Texas Gardeners

Anyone out in the garden catching some rays? It's sunny here in north Texas. Come out and enjoy!

Chasing ants away

Does anyone have a few ideas for making ants leave your garden? I use 4'X4' garden squares to grow peppers, tomatoes, greens & onions...the ants like the area. I use concrete blocks to separate the raised beds and ants build their...