Nude Gardeners

Great Weather

Hi, Autumn is best weather for naked gardening in Queensland Australia .

Great day despite the weather

We got huge amounts of stuff done this weekend. great to see the new woodland begining to flourish. Looking forward to sharing the progress this year with our guests.

Social Nudism Petition

Got this petition on Face Book today: sign and share here ((:

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First nude gardening day of the year

Today we have full sun and temps in the mid 50-s - perfect for the first nude gardening of the year. Since there is still a foot of snow on the ground, I cleared out an area to work on my mushrooms. I was able to inoculate 5 logs with Shiitake...


I'm on a nudist holiday in the Algarve, Portugal and my hosts wanted their hedges trimmed. It makes a change from lying onthe many nude beaches around there, especially when the tide is in. My friend and I have done most of it. The height was...

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Purple Amaryllis Bulbs

I have been trying to find a dealer that has indoor Purple Amaryllis bulbs in the U.S. I had one many years ago but lost it. I have searched on Google and have not found any, can someone help?

Building a Nude Garden

For over a month I have been terracing and rocking several garden areas on a view property we purchased in Dewey, (North Central) AZ, hoping to have them done in time for Spring planting. For several prior months I worked building a 1/3rd mile long...

Starting Seeds Soon

I was at Wal-Mart today getting dog food and fighting the ice when I saw that they had the seed starting mix and the seeds out. How exciting. It was like a breath of Spring. I got some seeds, even though I may already have enough. Time to plant...

Denver gardening this summer

Would love to host nudists in the backyard (private) for gardening. I need help envisioning and planting a nice garden while listening to Rockies games and enjoying a cold one with fellow naturists.