Nude Gardeners

using pee

pee speeds up in helping to make your compost heap work very much quicker ,so don't waste it put it to good use


How warm is yourback garden, South Yorkshire and it's 35c, it's great and about time, lol

Monkey Grass

We moved on this property 17 years ago and have slowly gotten rid of most of the subject nuisance. I've started to move soil and bulbs from half of it. This fall I want to plant vegetables and seasoning plants (I have a wonderful Rosemary),I but...

pampus grass

i hate this stuff, years ago i planted this close to house as a cheap privacy screenng and now it looks like crap. needless to say i wacked outmost ofthe dead stuff and now i want to blink my eyes for it to disappear , have read all the ways to get...

hello we a nude couple

we have yahoo messenger we seek photo exchance and chat

Latest Post
Nude gardening day

Does anyone know when nude gardening day is, and does anyone have plans for their day?

screening - flowering vines

does anyone use climbing vines for screening on their fences, years ago didn't have much $$ -still don't but i wanted a fence to keep out stray animals so i erected a three foot fence around the backyard well after awhile and scouting the...

Warmer times are close!

After a winter of record cold I am ready for sans clothed work in the soil. I did have 1 nude work afternoon outdoors a couple of weeks ago but the time was far too short. Fortunately warmer temps will arrive soon. I am happy however thatwe hadsome...

500 users

We now have 500 users in this group and I'm looking forward to lots of great discussions as we now enter the growing season (at least for those of us in the northern hemisphere). We had our first 70 day this week and it was wonderful to be back...

Put it in your diary - World Naked Gardening...

Gardening naked is up there with swimming naked, sleeping naked, and lying in the sun as one of the easiest and most satisfying things to do when naked. Traditionally, the first Saturday in May is considered World Naked Gardening Day. This year...