Nude Gardeners


hi my skype is rendy198,not men and perverts...thanks

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Harvest time

It's been a pretty good growing season so far with cooler than normal temperatures, but lots of rain. I spent the afternoon harvesting and did learn that picking raspberries naked is a little difficult.....

Wine tasting

Wine Tasting & Season Finalle *Clothing Optional 11:00am to 6:00p FREE Event Taste and learn about 6 different wines with Chef Josh Stanley. Pot Luck (BYOB for later) Volleyball Advance Registration Required by Sept 1st...

late winter happenings

I have planted my tomatoes: Black Russians in Autumn, or as you Americans call it Fall, and they are just now bearing and look to be cropping heavy, Beef steaks I planted about 4 weeks ago and they are not yet flowering and the last lot I have...

using pee

pee speeds up in helping to make your compost heap work very much quicker ,so don't waste it put it to good use


How warm is yourback garden, South Yorkshire and it's 35c, it's great and about time, lol

Monkey Grass

We moved on this property 17 years ago and have slowly gotten rid of most of the subject nuisance. I've started to move soil and bulbs from half of it. This fall I want to plant vegetables and seasoning plants (I have a wonderful Rosemary),I but...

pampus grass

i hate this stuff, years ago i planted this close to house as a cheap privacy screenng and now it looks like crap. needless to say i wacked outmost ofthe dead stuff and now i want to blink my eyes for it to disappear , have read all the ways to get...

hello we a nude couple

we have yahoo messenger we seek photo exchance and chat

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Nude gardening day

Does anyone know when nude gardening day is, and does anyone have plans for their day?