Nude Gardeners
We have a foot of snow on the ground but the greenhouse is still providing spinach and kale that was planted last fall. Inside in the house we are starting this years' crops under the grow lights. Anyone else grow year round in the northern...[/IMG]]
Ok how long does it take for the moderator to look at this group and ok PHOTOS???//
If anyone wants to put a group gardening effort together for WNGD 2013 in the Florida, Bama, Georgia area I'll help. It would be a good time. Have a Bar B Q after the gardening. Post ideas and suggestions. We have plenty of time to set the event...
Got a couple of free days to enjoy the cooler weather and put in some cabbage, carrots and greens.Beautiful temps. Mid 80's for highs and 60 for lows. Worked too too much last Fall and Spring to get the yields I'm accustomed to, but not this...
I'm creating a new flower bed beside the new guesthouse we installed a couple of weeks ago. I'll be planting Holland flower bulbs this fall. The bed will be mostly in the sun. Trying to decide what I want in that bed that's compact and...
sadly missed this years nude gardening day but would love to support next years if there is one could anyone tell me what day it will be
Took a few days off from work to catch up on my chores. Boy am I ever woefully behind. Month after month of 85 to 90 hour work weeks will do that to a gardening enthusist such as myself. I am seeing good results with both my container garden and...
I know that everyday is anaked gardening day for most of us, but it is cool having a designated day.Enjoy it and then post about it.