Nude Gardeners
Moved to Palm Springs 10 months ago and have spent most of the time getting the house in shape. Now I can concentrate on some naked gardening. Put in new bushes, a few citrus trees and lots of Mexican Bird of Paradise. Great to be able to hop in the...
The good news is that I got to spend the last 3 afternoons naked in the garden. The pleasant temperatures, slight breeze and crystal clear skies were a dream come true. Then a solar shower and air dry on the deck and I felt like a new person. The...
This for the group. What is best sources for getting started in gardening for the Newbies
This past summer, I had my first opportunity to garden nude on a regular basis. Oh, I've been to an annual nude berry picking party for the past two or three years and occasionally found a chance to slip off my clothes in a garden from time to...