Nude Gardeners

Mighty warm Christmas

I've been working clothes free a couple days, not Christmas day though, it's Sabbath anyway so i don't work and attended services and then a dinner instead. but will get in another nude days work tomorrow, cleaning up some more area to...

Looking for a fellow gardener

Hello all Im looking for someone who enjoys gardening as much as I do to get acquainted with for plain old ordinary friendship, theres no hidden agenda just pure friendship with an interest in gardening. I live in the Greater Geelong/Bellarine...

Raised bed gardening.

Built my first raised bed . Dimensions were 4x8.Built it waist height so no more bending over, helps to control ground dwelling pests. Living here In Florida it does require watering more and a sun scree. Would highly recommend you give it try.

Deadheading roses in the nude. LOL

This type of gardening can be rather challenging if you have more than one rose bush to deadhead. There is a silent yet observant thrill when it comes to deadheading roses. And staying away from the pricks. Thoughts or comments?

Deer problem

Hello people so here in south georgia ,the deer are eating my plants ,are all my broccoli and all but three stalks of corn.wondering if anybody has an suggestions on keeping them out without putting up a fence which I know they can jumb s fence

Garden 2021

The dry and heat have sure slowed things down this year. Picking current berries before the birds get too many, like they did with the nanking cherries. Am getting some cucumbers and zucchini, tomatoes are setting but only 1 ripe enough to pick so...


Hey all I have tomato plants they are growing but no fruit or even flowers yet. Any tips? Thanks

bug bites

the other day i was raking up and shredding pine straw in my yard needless to say i live in the south and got tore up by chigger bites so to late for me yeah i sprayed the yard a few days later but i love being outside in my yard so i had to search...

fruit trees

i have apple and peach trees in my yard yeah just two of each but last year birds or critters plucked my trees clean than deposited the fruit in my neighbor back yard so this year i bought some netting to cover the fruit trees - bad idea sadly...

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World Naked Gardening Day

WNGD this year is Saturday, May 1st. It is usually too cold here but the forecast is sunny and 62 degrees which should be conducive to being naked outside. Now, every day is naked gardening day here if the weather cooperates, but what I try to do...