World Naked Bike Ride
Is anybody else going to the World Naked Bike Ride event in Chelmsford (UK) next Saturday (27th of June)?
Inflated the tires, lubed it all up, inspected the brakes. I haven't ridden since last years ride but im all ready for the world naked bike ride in los angeles on the 27th. Who else is going?
Is there anybody who will ride in the Amsterdam event? I am thinking about riding there myself.
I find it very difficult to find information on WNBR in my area. Thewww . worldnakedbikeride . org website doesn't provide much information. The wiki site is still mentioning the general dates for 2014. Is anyone else having these?
please join the group associated with the following discussion, and voice your availability those visiting our fair state welcome to participate as well...
WNBR London14 june 2014Who is going to WNBR London on14 june 2014? I go alone to the event and i am looking for friend for take pictures of eachother
Please sign this Petition if you enjoy Nude Recreation of any kind. I signed it the first day it was up.
Hi all, Hope your well? Who's joining the WNBR in 2013? Please take sometime to visit our blog:
Hey, so the Toronto ride is in a couple of days on June 15th, and I am super excited to be taking part again this year. I'm just wondering if anyone else has been to previous rides in Toronto and if anyone here is headed to the ride this year...
Does anyone know if there is a WNBR venue in Valencia Spain this year? Any information would be appreciated.