Frequently Asked Questions
The most popular questions will reside in here
It says that I have new messages and friend requests. But when I click on the links it says I have no messages or friend requests. Plus the number of profile views between the two pages drops. Can anyone help me out here?
I'm having trouble adding visits. I'm unable to add any details to the "Locations" field. The dates are open and editable. Am I'm doing something wrong? Thanks,
How do i join a group? I thought it was because i was on the phone but its the same on the ipad, no join button? Have i joined too many already? Help please
we all love outdoor nudism ... but I always associate good weather with nudism .... if it rains, you can no longer practice ? what do you think about? A todos nos encanta el nudismo, pero asociamos el nudismo con el buen tiempo, si llueve, ya no se...
The rules on submitting your picture to be certified state your gender must be obvious. Am I being stupid but do they require a fully nude pic? There's no way my face could ever be mistaken as female!!
I keep getting the message "you are not a member of this group" when I reply to a forum topic. I do not see any invitation to join forums. I am a member of many groups, and it's clear that you request membership (either OK'd...
I Want to take off a few of my photos and put up a few new ones but is there a way for me to arrange them in a certain order that I want them in?
No join button How do i join a group? I thought it was because i was on the phone but its the same on the ipad, no join button? Have i joined too many already? Help please.