Frequently Asked Questions
The most popular questions will reside in here
No join button How do i join a group? I thought it was because i was on the phone but its the same on the ipad, no join button? Have i joined too many already? Help please.
Hello! Five years ago, my husband said that he would like to be a nudist. However, I am not comfortable being nude in front of others. And, quite honestly, I don't like the idea of another woman seeing my husband naked. I wouldn't mind him...
Is there a reason for NOT having a flagging option in the Groups? I've never flagged anyone before but I have just run across a post in one of my Groups that needs a good flagging in the worst way. Groups apparently don't have flags like the...
I thought it was just me, but after looking at the blogs of a couple of friends, it seems that if one wants to write two paragraphs, one will have to write two blogs! Have I got this right??
When I try to reply to a forum message, I'm told I'm not in the "group"
There's no forum for "Frequently Wondered Questions" so I thought I'd post this here. What's up with the "Popularity" number? And who decides? And what factors are used to determine it? And does anybody really give a...
Is anyone else having issues with the custom avatar in the chat room? Not the end of the world. I was just curious.
Can someone tell me how I upload a profile pic? Thanks
Why can,t we upgrade or renew using the paypal system?