Frequently Asked Questions
The most popular questions will reside in here
Without clothes acting as a barrier, everything rubs. What is the best way to avoid the chaffing?
I just got a new PC that has a webcam. Can it be used here?
I'm on a mobile device and I see no option to join/like/follow (not sure which term is used here) a group. I can view, but not become a member. Why is this? Does one have to be a paid member? Or have a photo?
Hello everybody , keep wanting to join groups, but when I click on a group can't find any way of joining . I know that there is ment to be a box to click in but there is nothing. Can any body help please
I can't join groups or do some posts cause it pops up not certified. Is there an upgrade in need to do that?
How can I rotate my photos? Can't work it out. Cheers in advance
Hi, we are curious nudist couple from Toronto and looking to be friends with other nudists in the area. Please msg or add us. We are on FB too. Thanks
Hi, i just registered and i let the browser locate my destination all did automatically. The only problem is i did not saw the choice of my birthday which is in December. It was missing a month (december month). Maybe it is a bug from me or maybe a...
Hi can anybody explain to me how the chat room works. Thanks
Can anybody help with this problem? When I try to enter the chatroom I get this message: There was an issue with your token. Please reload the chat room. Never experienced that before. Thanks.