Frequently Asked Questions
The most popular questions will reside in here
I was tipped off yesterday that if you punch your truenudists name into google up comes a photo, and,YESit does. Can i change my profile name easily without having to be re-certified ? or is there a trick to sort this out ? as I see this as a big...
I received a toshiba thrive for christmas. I was trying to log on to true nudists, but it wont let me . Is it not set up for mobile? Any Help would be appreciated. thanksdavid
Is there a way to adjust thesequence in which my pictures are displayed to other users ?
It's nice to receive bulletins from friends, but once read, I'd like to remove them. How do I do that? Thanks!
Having just read another thread about someone wanting Singles to stop pretending being couples, Irealized I have to ask the question.... What is the definition of a SINGLE MALE ?? I would of thought it would be the same as it is in textile society...
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why cant i see my comments on user's photos? :) thanks for answers
Just re-naming this thread so that it may be found on the forum. A little help See also: Bugs, bugs and bugs
when your on chat and someone sends you messege what can you talk about
sorry for my ignorance, but i dont use the forums much. can I change the word to nudist?