Frequently Asked Questions

The most popular questions will reside in here

chat - noone could solve my login problem

hello, i still cannot login to the TN chat. it never worked with the "new" chat platform. i click on the chat link, accept the rules and after that a pop up says "wrong password" even if i havent typed in a password. and i cannot...

Allocating Gallery Photos as TN Certified...

Hi, I am currently waiting for my newwly loaded photos to be approved. Can someone tell me please how I select that they can only be seen by TN Certified folks. Thanks

Groups with no Moderator

I just tried to join a group, and I got a message saying that I would have to be approved. The person who started the group no longer has an account with TN, and no one else in the group has moderator privileges. Does that mean I will be in limbo...

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FAQs about when it won't stay down

It was suggested this topicalso be announced in this section, so here it is:

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Who sees my photos

I have forgotten how pictures work. I have nothing to hide so I do not limit my uploads to friends or true nudists. So neither box is ticked. But who can see them? I cannot find any way to browse images myself, so obviously nobody can browse...

How do I re-order / re-arrange my photos?

I uploaded all my WNBR photos together this month. One of them is in my photostream miles away from the others in totally the wrong place. Caption reference: / - Party in the Park In...


I just want to now if there are one roule for man and another for woman.its regarding pics and why is profile pics of man not showing face deletet,while with women thats okay.Just wondreing

Silly Question

My husband and I have shared our TN account since we joined the site a few weeks ago. He travels a lot for work, so we both will not be able to be on at the same time while he is away. He is leaving Sunday on a trip and I'm wondering if it would...

why does the site log me out?

it has happened a few times in the recent week or so. the one time i had only been logged in less than a minute. lately it has been logging me out whilst i am replying to a forum post. it just happened a few minutes ago and my post was only 2...

Friends missing!!!!

Hey people, I have added some new friends but my older friends seem to have dissapeared. (I can't see them on my friends list). Any idea whats happening? :) Many thanks!