Tri-City Naturists Nebraska

Bowling is back on

Bowling will happen on November 5, 2017. Same places and same time. RSVP if you are coming with the new date. 7 years ago

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by  7 years ago
September Bowling outing

I visited with the proprietor of a bowling establishment and he agreed to work with us for an exclusive use of his place at a price of $25.00 per person for three hours. I would appreciate your feedback to see if there is enough interest to pursue... 8 years ago


On Monday April 24, 2017 we receive a letter from AANR saying that we are now register as a non-land base club in the State of Nebraska. As a club now we will hope to have events to attend. Pot luck meal, maybe night of cards. Enjoy fellowship as a... 8 years ago

nude camping

I think someone had asked about where to camp nude and not be bothered . is anyone still looking to go before its to cold ? anyone going to Kn. last weekend of sept.?? 7 years ago

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by  7 years ago
Sandy Lane Bare-B-Q date change

September 2,3,4: Labor Day weekend and the 24th Annual SLC Bare-B-Q! Once again, SLC members will host the Heartland Naturists, Nebraska Tri-City Club, and other guests. (More info coming in August about the Bare-B-Q). 8 years ago

Sandy Lane Visit for the group Tri-City...

On June 10-11 our groups will be visit Sandy Lane for Saturday and Sunday Visit to their club. Also Kansas City nudist group will be visit the club too. At our April meeting in Chapman we made application to AANR to be a non land base club. We set a... 8 years ago

Latest PostFlyer
by nebraskanaturist 8 years ago
The Potluck

We had 14 people show up and the pot luck went great. We are hope to have a event in June. We will get the information out as soon as we know more. 8 years ago

Get Together

Tri-City Naturist Nebraska Get Together Come join us for an afternoon of food and fun When April 9 2017 Where Chapman Community Center, Chapman Nebraska. Time 12:00-5:00 Meat Provided Pot Luck Clothing Optional for one that are a little shy. Bring... 8 years ago

Reminder of Potluck Sunday

Hope everyone that said they are coming. Have 30 Pounds of smoke chicken. Potatoes, Corn and what every you bring. Will start between 12PM and 12:30. Bring cards if you want it and get a game of card going. 8 years ago

Latest PostSee you Sunday
by nebr4200 8 years ago
New to all this

Just wanting I am new to all this will eventually get the nerve to go to a gathering . Im in this by myself as my wife is not a nudist she has lupus and has had a terrible time with her meds she is overweight which dont mind but she dont like what... 8 years ago

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by  8 years ago