Male Bonding2
Are there any guys in or near Sheffield
Looking for others in the Dayton OH area that may want to get together. New to nude lifestyle, always intrigued, but wife isn't' into it. My motherinlaw lives with us, so no time at home to be naked Would be interested in meeting up with...
Im leading a Skype group for men that want to workout naked or want to watch for motivation. The sessions will be Wednesdays and Fridays 12pm pacific time. The session will be a half hour fully naked easy workout. Message me your Skype and Ill add...
Wood (Yes I know) be great to find some regular JO buds in Charlotte. Sexuality doesn't matter (though I expect as many have said , that Bi or gay guys are more comfortable with it than str8 guys) . Open to whoever... lets get several of us...
Don't be surprised if ,in the USA, there will be a law that prevents nudity in locker rooms.
I'm a photographer in Chicago looking for inshape men that would like to model for fine art projects. Please inquire back if interested.
I am a 46 yo gay man with 2 playful kitties looking for another man to share my 2 bed 2 bath apartment in the Park Hill 4000 complex at Colorado Blvd and 40th. Private room and bath, rent $900 includes all utilities. Please contact if interested
as of 3/17, this is the 6th most popular group on all of True Nudists... let's hear if for the guys and male bonding! ;)
Share yours.....I was maybe 15 or 16 and working on my photography skills. I had a darkroom and studio set upin the basement. On day a buddy came over because I needed a model and wantedwork on capturing the human form with light. So we are shooting...
I am looking for other men in the area to have some quality nude bonding time with. It can be indoors for now but once it gets nice and warm outside go outdoors and maybe even go nude camping, there is a clothing option LGBT campground in the area.