Male Bonding2
looking for 2013 .... and nude models in GERMANY.. - perhaps bound ??????????? I am living near WUERZBURG - anybody interested ?? Have a nice winter ;-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) W
A reminder that there will be a Video Club party this Saturday, September 15th, from 8:00 PM - 2:00 AM. Upstairs we will be showing "Weekend" (A one-night-stand develops into a weekend-long idyll. An invaluable snapshot of ...
Reminder from: SEWiscBareJacks Yahoo! Group Title: South East Wisconsin BareJacks Saturday September 22th Date: Saturday September 22, 2012 Time: 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm Location: Delavan, Wisconsin Notes: ...
Subject: Reminder: Video Club Party on Saturday, September 1st A reminder that there will be a Video Club party this Saturday, September 1st, from 8:00 PM - 2:00 AM. Upstairs we will be showing "August" (the story of a gay...
Title: Last thursday afterwork play party 4:30pm Date: Thursday August 30, 2012, Madison Wis. Time: 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm Notes: just A reminder of the...
naked hugs to everyone!
Lookin' to hang out bareassed and do some laid back, male bonding with like minded men. I just back from a camping trip and did just that ! Had a great time...512-965-9966 (no texts or blocked #'s please) Thanks, austinjack
Almost 20 years ago I was involved in the "men's movement". It was a very powerful and transformational phase of my life. It initially included a "wildman weekend" with about 200 men. It was an intensive experience which...
Hello guys! I operate an intimate resort on a private beach on Koh Phangan in Thailand where we offer naked yoga retreats as well as active excursions (hikes, boat rides to secluded alcoves, kayaking, etc.) without clothing! Please see our...
So to get the sharing started, let me pose a couple of questions..... Do you have a male best friend? What does (or would) the role of a platonic but intimate male friend play in your life? For me, no, I don't have a male best friend. I have a...