Manchester Male Naturist Swim

Hoping to return.

I used to go to the swim night, years ago, at the old baths and started again, at the new baths. I loved it but then, my shift pattern at work changed, so I was unable to attend. I'll be there again, as soon as it's safe. Hopefully soon X

New to nudism

Hi can i just turn up an have a swim naked ? Let me kmow please guys

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Finally tried out the swim

I've been procrastinating about trying out the Manchester men's naked swim for a long time and finally went along this week. I only wish I'd done it years ago. Always a great experience swimming naked but the group of guys were very...

Re opened. ???????

Have the swim nights, actually re opened ? I have tried to inquire, on the email provided but it comes back as non existent and I have also left a message, with David, one of the organisers. Can someone confirm that they have opened please, as I...

Manchester Swim - Re-opening?

Hi Guys, Does anyone know if the swimming sessions are back on now the restrictions are easing in England? Would love to come and join in.


Hello any news on these restarting? Ive been thinking of coming along to my first one, sent an email too but no response?

Can anyone help

Would someone be willing to meet me either before or in the car park. I have mental health issues and last time I tried to come I sat in the car park trying to summon up the courage to go in. Eventually I gave up and drove home.

Post COVID swims

Hi guys, Always wanted to come along then covid got in the way! Now things are lifting and gyms/pools are open again are nude swims re-starting soon?

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Hi Came to the group last week. Loved it. And will definitely return. Just posting to say hi and see if people can add/message if theyre regulars, try and build up a group of contacts. Thanks!