Hey fellas! just wondering how many of us are uncut but choose to keep our foreskins pulled back exposing the head usually? i am uncut and even have a bit of over hang, but i always keep my foreskin pulled back behind my head, any other men do the...
I can say, " I've been uncut since I was born." I can ask, How could I know if it's better?" I can't imagine not having my foreskin.
Lets get together and get naked!
I love uncut cocks. Ive only done it recently but to feel and play with an uncut cock was amazing it was wonderful too pull back the skin and suck it. Im cut but love foreskins
I was never circumcised and I have a rather big foreskin. It was a toy for me when I grew up, always stretching it and I still do today at 63 years old.
And I will not have it any other way! Love my foreskin!
Chat me on telegram with leaakat and Skype with email uholy0659@gmail.com Chatten Sie mich per Telegramm mit leaakat und Skype per E-Mail uholy0659@gmail.com
Nice seeing men natural n intact as men were meant to be . I'm circumcised always felt admiration for those uncut.. So mant men in my family were intact .. I was from the generation of being cut Be proud men
Hi Dan a 67yr old uncut I have no problem being uncut I do do like the feel of it
Hello guys and girls, just joined this group and thought I show you mine - always happy to chat.