Fish Nature Camp
It's a sure sign winter is over when the beaches fill with people. Time to fire up the Nood Pontoon , watch some sunsets and enjoy the bonfires on the beach. Anyone out there ?
We noticed the frost had browned the tops of our babana trees while we were having coffee on the veranda. Guess it's time for a bonfire and Mardi Gras Party !
Rumor has it that the Pontoon Pirates of Bon Secour Bay are gathering for the beach bonfire at Gypsy Beach the Saturday before Halloween. You just never know when and where those pirates will show up.....but for sure, Captain Jetski will be at...
Looking like this weekend will be great beach weather .! Still have installed the driveway at GB , but it's more fun to go by boat anyway. Lol.... Tomorrow's high tide is just after lunch. Saturday May 30.
The azaleas and yellow jessamine are really looking good , and the sweet olive is so fragrant, but most amazing are all the different wildflowes and ferns that have appeared in the last few days. Fish Nature Camp is still closed , but hopefully will...
We are still having bonfires here at Fish Nature Camp, lots of hurricane debris to burn. Also, the beach project down at Pleasure Island is slowly moving forward, kind of a Robinson Caruso theme. Again, lots of driftwood to burn, thanks to Sally and...
BUTT, we're still here ! Visitors to Fish Nature Camp will be seeing some BIG changes ! Nice open spaces where the tornado went through the forest. Huge sand deposits when the river flooded, and of coures, Little Gin Creek went wild and took out...
Fish Nature Camp will start burning Sally 's debris, in a tasteful and celebratory manner, with a series of small and large bonfires. Friday October 2 and Saturday October 3 will be the beginning, then Friday October 9. We anticipate weekly...